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The 10 Essentials of a knife

The 10 Essentials of a knife

During WWI another life-saving occurrence took place, involving a Corporal Strong of the U.S. Army and his bolo knife (bolo knives were issued to U.S. troops from 1909 to 1917 and came in four different sizes with the largest having a 14-inch blade). Corporal Strong was seriously injured when a blast of artillery fire caused several large boulders to fall into his foxhole. He was knocked on his back by the barrage and one of the boulders landed on his arm, crushing and pinning him to the ground. After regaining consciousness and suffering in a painful position for many hours, Strong finally decided he?d been abandoned by his comrades in the heat of battle and had to either resign himself to a slow painful death or make a struggle to stay alive. So he removed his belt and cinched it tightly around his arm to form a tourniquet, then he removed his bolo knife from its sheath and proceeded to ... He drew his pistol and approached the men and ordered them to drop their rifles. Because they were caught off guard and probably had little training, they immediately obeyed. Later Corporal Strong found his platoon and rejoined them while marching four enemy prisoner?s of war in front of him, one of which was actually carrying Strong?s severed arm that he?d cut off earlier in the foxhole.
No one expects to be stranded or lost in the wilderness. Whether you travel by car through remote areas or you enjoy a day hike in familiar hills, being prepared for an emergency survival situation can mean the difference between life and death.
Here are the essential ten items to put in a lightweight backpack to ensure you have the best chance of surviving the unexpected.
- Fire starting equipment
- Tarp - 50 ft. of nylon rope - Knife - Water bottle - Lightweight cooking pot - Emergency poncho - Compass - Whistle and mirror - First-aid kit
Fire Starting Equipment
The ability to make fire tops the list because fire means the ability to get warm, dry and make water safe for drinking. Survival experts say you should always travel with at least two fire starting devices--at least one of which should be an all-weather fire-starting rod or, preferably, a metal match. Tinder cubes or cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly may also be a handy addition as they make fire starting possible in even the wettest conditions. A butane lighter or waterproof wooden matches in a plastic zip bag can serve as an easy flame source in dry, calm weather but...
Knife The most universally useful tool in a wilderness environment is the sports source:http://finres.info/. A sturdy hunting or survival knife is not only useful to cut things such as rope and cloth, but also to dig holes, split kindling, hone wooden steaks, clean fish and help accomplish countless other tasks. A Review Military Knife with a five-inch blade is the best choice. Choosing the right knife for you, however, can be nearly mind-boggling. While you could easily pay several hundred dollars for a top-notch survival knife, there are adequate knives available for...
Once you have assembled your emergency survival kit, make sure to keep it in the trunk of your car when you travel. You will also want to periodically review your kit to make sure everything remains in good working order and to rotate in fresh water. Remember, keeping a properly stocked emergency kit will not only keep you more comfortable in a wilderness environment; it may just save your life.
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: evp200909 (20.06.2010)
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